St. Joseph Parish, Lucinda
St. Mary Parish, Crown
St. Michael Parish, Fryburg

Baptism is the first and foundation of all the sacraments. We cannot receive the other sacraments until we first receive baptism. Baptism is conferred upon a person (infant, child or adult) by the pouring of water over the head three times with the minister proclaiming, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Baptism does three primary things for us:
It heals the wound of original sin (a spiritual “genetic defect” passed down to all people making it difficult at times for us to know God, to know God’s will and to make good and healthy decisions in our lives).
It gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. After baptism, the Holy Spirit (God’s life and Spirit) begins to live within us—to guide and strengthen us throughout life.
It makes us members of God’s family, the Church. With baptism, we become God’s daughters and sons and are invited to receive the fullness of the blessings and gifts God wishes to give to his people.
Baptism is conferred by a deacon or priest (or anyone in the case of an emergency).
Scheduled by appointment. Parents must be registered parishioners and complete a Pre-Baptism Class. Both Godparents should be Confirmed and practicing Catholics of at least 16 years of age and present a sponsor certificate if they are from another parish. It is also possible for one of the Godparents to be a Confirmed and practicing Catholic and the other to be a baptized Christian who practices his/her faith.
To learn more please call the parish for arrangements.