St. Joseph Parish, Lucinda
St. Mary Parish, Crown
St. Michael Parish, Fryburg

At the Last Supper, Jesus ordained the 12 Apostles to continue his saving work throughout the world and throughout the centuries. The successors of the Apostles are the bishops and priests of today. The Sacrament of Holy Orders confers upon designated men the spiritual power to teach, lead and sanctify in the name of Jesus. There are three levels to the Sacrament of Holy Orders: Diaconate, Presbyterate (priesthood) and Episcopacy (bishops). The Sacrament of Holy Orders allows a man to teach and act in the person of the risen Jesus—particularly in the celebration of the sacraments for God’s people.
Interested in becoming a priest in the Diocese of Erie? Visit https://www.erievocations.org/ to learn more.
Visit http://www.eriercd.org/diaconate.htm to learn more about becoming a deacon in the Diocese of Erie.